5 Ways to Stay Confidently Share the Gospel

5 Ways to Stay Confidently Share the Gospel

By Mary Saylor

Have you ever squirmed as you sat through one of those missionary sacrament meetings? You know, the ones where the elders challenge you to pray about someone you could share the gospel with? 

Yup. Been there. 

In fact, those missionary talks used to freak me out so much that I would put my head down and pretend I couldn’t hear them. Then I purposely wouldn’t pray about having missionary experiences because I have a strong testimony of prayer and I didn’t want that prayer to be answered.

For decades! 

But I’ve repented. And I’ve even said those Bless me that I can share the gospel prayers a time or two. And the first time I did, (Gasp! Choke! Cough!) I actually had the chance to share my testimony. 

But not at all how I expected. It was the day my sister (who hasn’t stepped foot in a church building for about 30 years) asked me some questions about women in the church, and we had a fantastic conversation about the powerful pioneer women who helped found the Relief Society. 

I didn’t even think about that conversation being a missionary experience until looking back on it later that night. And then I was like, Huh. 

As my heart slowly started to soften towards this principle, the spirit began to work on me in new ways. Then I heard Elder Bednar’s challenge to “Flood the Earth Through Social Media,” and I had a crazy idea. 

Even though I was slightly less than enthusiastic about the whole idea, (Ok. I admit it. I was scared to death!) I felt like I should share some aspect of my testimony every week. So I started a blog. And I haven’t missed posting every week for almost a year and a half. 

Since I started, I’ve had tons of conversations with incredible women from many different faiths about our shared belief in the Savior. And even though I still feel that twinge of unease every… single… week, I manage that stress a lot better than I used to. 

Here are some steps that I’ve taken to help me gain more confidence about sharing my testimony: 

  1. Acknowledge your weakness. Admitting that you can’t do something is an act of humility, which creates a bridge between your weakness and the Lord’s power. The next time that you come face-to-face with your sheer and utter inadequacy, celebrate. Because by admitting your dependence on a higher power, you actually have access to that higher power.
  2. Pray to know what to do. Yup. The missionaries in sacrament meeting knew what they were talking about. But be prepared. You will be led to have conversations that are totally unexpected. You might even be led to do something you never thought possible. So… while you’re praying to know what to say and who to say it to, you might also want to pray for some extra moxie, cuz you’re gonna need it! 
  3. Use the talents you already have. Missionary work isn’t about going out and doing something that’s totally outside the realm of your life experience. I’ve been writing almost every day since the first grade. Sure, sharing it out is a little weird, and often terrifying, but the writing itself is super fun! What gifts do you have? What talents do you use so much that you don’t even think of them as talents? How can you use your inherent abilities to share the gospel? 
  4. Know what confidence looks like. BTW… It looks an awful lot like trembling in your shoes but taking action anyways. The first time I posted a blog post, I paced around the house, crying for twenty minutes, before I finally went in and pushed the dang “Publish” button already. Faith is a principle of action, even when you feel afraid, and confidence often looks like fear that doesn’t stop you.
  5. Choose confidence. The scriptures teach us to “Cast not away therefore your confidence” (Hebrews 10:35). Choose to stay confident and cast away your fears instead. Fear comes from worrying what other people think about you, but here’s the thing. Other people’s opinions are not your business. Plus, you don’t have to be all churchy, and holier-than-thou, and I’m gonna fix you about it all. Just be friendly, sincere, and love people. The Lord will consecrate your widow’s mite efforts, and you might be amazed where it takes you.

This past General Conference, President Nelson gave a clarion call to the women of the church to rise up, to “Speak up and speak out” (You Are The Women He Foresaw). Are you ready to get chatty?

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