inside this issue



Cozy At-Home Date Ideas to Keep You Warm

5 Reasons Accepting Service is Just as Important as Ministering

Lessons We Can Learn From Mary

3 Ways You Can Gather Israel


Finding the Light Through Covid

Artwork: Ponder

3 Keys to Seeing Light When You Feel Hopeless

How to Fight Extreme Overwhelm

Homemade Elderberry & Lavender Syrup


Elderberry Syrup Recipe

Enoch Studies for Come Follow Me

Adult Coloring Page

Latter-day Woman Christmas Playlist


Light, A Paradox

A Glorious Light, A Glorious Testimony

Dimming Worldly Distractions to Find the Light of Christ

Music Video: Light of the World

from the editor's desk

latter-day woman

Find Your Light Within

I’ve always been a positive person, but admittedly, this year has been rough! I’ve seen darkness try to seep into every part of the world, my community, and even myself. And during this Christmas season, I can’t help but think about how I need to #LightTheWorld.

Light represents guidance, direction, hope, safety and understanding.  Light is the source that we always look for in darkness so we can escape from unsafe, anxious, confused and disoriented feelings.

My thoughts turn to the paradoxical tool of technology. Many turn to the internet and influencers for answers to every question. Even though I believe we should seek personal revelation and “study out of the best books” (D&C 88:118), some will still seek answers online. It’s just how it is. That’s why we need more voices of truth and light.

In this issue, you’ll find inspiration and guidance on how to be that light for others, even when you’re feeling overwhelmed, confused, or hopeless. And most importantly, you’ll learn how to become that light for yourself.



Becky Squire

P.S. Don’t miss our Guest Editor who’s sharing their favorite tips, tricks, and products!


You will have fun and enjoy winter together with these at home winter date night ideas!

 Why is it that it is so hard to accept help when it is offered to us?

Here are a few thoughts I had about what we can learn from the young woman called to carry, deliver, and raise the Redeemer of mankind.

There has been a strong theme running through President Nelson’s messages over the course of his leadership as President of the Church of Jesus Chris of Latter Day Saints. He has spoken on many occasions on the doctrine of the Gathering of Israel. 


Instead of nursing my dark mood, I felt like I was given a beautiful awakening.

I know God gives us each specific talents and platforms to share our testimonies in different ways other than just standing at the pulpit on fast Sundays…

As a mother to 4 children, past business owner, and marathon runner, I always thought I was tough. That I was resilient.  I have so much faith.  Faith to move mountains. That’ll cure or fix everything, right?

We are spread thin, tired, and have way too much going on in our lives. That’s when we get overwhelmed. It’s exhausting and can seem like we will never be able to do it all.


Cold, Flu, and Corona season are upon us! One of my family’s favorite recipes during the winter is homemade elderberry and lavender syrup.

They are designed to work together so that when we gather for Family Home Evening or home-centered church, we can do all the different activities as a family.

Download the image to print and color!

It’s Christmas Eve and you have a table full of Christmas food, gifts under the Christmas tree, and the whole family together. There’s only one thing missing… Christmas music!


We believe we perceive light, but in actuality, we only see slower moving things lit by it.

The glorious light of the restoration has the potential to transform our testimony through study, faith, and experience. That light can illuminate our minds and hearts to the truthfulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

As Latter-day Saint women, it is difficult to ignore the siren call of so many distractions. Some of them are even worthy pursuits!

Enjoy this beautiful Christmas music video.

looking ahead

Issue 05 | Thou Art an Elect Lady | Spring 2021

Submission deadline: January 15th

If you’d like to submit something for our Spring issue, please visit our submissions page.