Faith Amidst Tempests
Poem and artwork by Bethany Tolley
Dearest Lord if it be in Thy plan
Let me trail after Thy certain steps,
Let me find in my heart surety
Knowledge pure evermore my chest.
Let me walk joyfully in Thy wake
Nevermore from Thy side fall away,
Carry me if Thou wilt thru this storm
Help me pass o’er this wave, o’er this day.
Thund’ring clouds, threat’ning rocks, climbing swell
Come at me, my dear ones back away.
Shrunk with fear, yet with faith in their hearts
Waken now and please save us I pray.
Child so dear sinking now in the waves
Fear thee not rocks and clouds nor the waves,
Come to Me take a step t’ward the swell
I am here I have come Thee to save.
Tempest rage matters not, have no fear
Wat’ry fiend swallows naught but thy sight.
Master of every storm, I am near
Vict’ry won long ago for this fight.
Come to Me, take a step t’ward the stairs
Rolling waves, spitting foam, heed them not.
Master true, that Am I, of the world
Plight of yours, life of yours I have bought.
Water can’t swallow those I am near
Waves can’t crush those who walk by my side.
There’s no ship in this storm, walk with me
T’ward the heights, tree of life we will find.
In my plan seas of calm you’ll not find
Trailing my certain steps there is fire,
Leaps of faith do precede hearts so sure
Knowledge pure from the flames you’ll acquire.
This I say, joy will come in my wake
Nevermore from my side fall away,
And I will carry thee thru this storm
O’er this wave, o’er this trial, o’er this day.
Thund’ring clouds, threat’ning rocks, climbing swell
Heed them not, in my arms dear ones lay.
Oh have faith in the midst of this storm
I’m awake! I will save, I will stay.
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