The Light of Faith

The Light of Faith

By Janet C. Booth, M.S.

Faith, a word glistening like the prismatic lights reflected from a thousand candles, guides my journey. It is abstract, but solid, a seeming contradiction amidst an intelligent interplay of knowing and learning more. How does one ignore faith when the evidence glows like a crystalized sea of pure white sand? The waves kiss the shore with the promise of hidden trinkets in shells, sand crabs, and other wonders of the ocean just like the blessings that sprinkle our lives, giving us hope and direction. Of course, at times the ocean is turbulent, and the waves threaten to wash away our castles of dreams, but they always recede, the sun returns to shine, and the trials and tragedies of today find solace in the smooth, calming waves that come with the touch of the Savior’s hand.

It is not easy discussing this topic of faith for in many ways, it has been hard won and still seeks nourishment. Amidst the awareness of not only myself, but so many growing up in dysfunctional families and enduring various traumas of life I have found the pathway to happiness and peace always takes me to the same place of wonderment, our Lord and Savior. has many definitions for faith, but I cling to these three: “belief and trust in, and loyalty to God,” “firm belief in something for which there is no proof,” “complete trust.” These are the triad for nurturing faith, which is a daily trek. You see, a lifetime of coping with challenges aligned with depression and anxiety wreak havoc on the soul, but what a blessed and wonderful life there is when one cultivates and nurtures faith.

Faith is the foundation to weather the storms of life, but I also know that to keep that faith vibrant amidst internal dialogues of doubt and external pressures of social unrest one needs to dig deeper into His word, and in those communications with both Father and His Beloved Son, our Savior, one manages to stay afloat, and keep their eyes on the eternal perspective. Through faith, prayer, and heeding the words of the Savior and His prophets, the wounded child ascends into the thriving adult. Some may say to leave the past behind, a simple phrase yet complex venture for sometimes it is buried so deep that hearing those words only invokes more guilt, greater shame, and a sense of failure.

Faith lies within the heart and soul of each of us. Faith helps us dream big, wonderful, exciting dreams, and faith lights the smooth glistening stones before us. Just as the Liahona provided the compass for getting to the Promised Land, faith willingly offers hope and direction. Each of us has our own Promised Land to walk upon with its final destination resting at the foot of the Savior and it takes hard work, commitment, trust, kindness, patience, and faith to get there.

Faith is action, it is vibrant, it is alive to help us find our way through the detours and roadblocks life offers. The opposite of faith cannot be nurtured for when it finds its way into the cracks of the soul, the light of Christ will slowly diminish. It has been my journey to be blessed with faith and to nurture it daily. Gratefully I see it, I feel it, I sense it, and I drop to my knees to pull myself back to the light of Christ when I feel the weight of inner wounds taking me down. By knowing He is the ultimate healer, shelter from the oncoming storm is strengthened, a stronger fortress built, and hope is nourished.

“Ask and you shall receive has been my mantra” for as long as I can remember, even in the midst of long-term health problems and other personal challenges, the scriptures remain, Ask, Seek, Knock and as I do so the compass eventually guides me, lending me an extra hand to untangle the mess I, or others have created and find the pearls of wisdom hidden amongst the tears of sorrow and messes of life. Faith swells within my heart, the Lord whispers, “I am here,” and my journey to return to His loving arms again rises up just as the sun kisses the peaks in the early morning hours, and hope returns. Faith is the foundation to help you to fjord any stream, and work through each of life’s challenges.

Faith is knowing that the Savior and our Father in Heaven are always there for you, for me, for us. Faith is love. Faith is eternal.

You are love. You are eternal.

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