Finding Joy with Depression
![Finding Joy with Depression](
By Rebecca Hale
Living with depression can be a trial that feels unbearable. I know how painful it can be from having experienced my own struggle with depression and watching it in those I love. Here are some ways to continue living a joyful life with depression.
Seek Medical Treatment
Having the faith to be healed, receiving a priesthood blessing, and living righteously are all crucial steps to managing depression. However, clinical depression is a legitimate health issue that needs treatment like any other physical ailment. Thankfully, this is a time full of options and hope for improving mental health. There is not as much of a stigma as in the past and there are many different forms of medication and other treatment options available. Getting medical treatment looks different for everyone; whether it be counseling, medication, or other types of therapy. Treatment may require time, repetition, and any needed adjustments before you start noticing any improvements, but it can be a relief to finally be headed in the right direction. What better way to show gratitude to Heavenly Father for medical advancements and compassionate doctors than by taking advantage of those blessings. After years of resisting medical help, I felt my load lighten after I finally decided I was done trying to manage my depression on my own. I had imagined my life being a constant game of tug of war with my emotions, but making the decision to try antidepressants gave me hope and changed my perspective of what my life could really be.
Lean On Heavenly Father And The Atoning Sacrifice Of Jesus Christ
In times when I have been engulfed in depression, the only light shining through the darkness has been Jesus Christ. My loving Savior doesn’t condemn me for my depression, rather he empathizes with me and reaches out in compassion. One of my favorite scriptures is in Alma 7 where we learn that during the atonement Christ was “suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind… so that he could take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy…” As He knelt in Gethsemane, He felt my pain. He counted every tear I would cry in despair and heard every desperate prayer. Sometimes I expected him to appear in a pillar of light to rescue me every time I called out to heaven in sorrow, and I assumed my prayers were falling on deaf ears. I realized that I could feel the love and peace of my Savior as I actively tried to lean on Him by reading scriptures specifically about Him and the atonement, listening to my favorite hymns, and imagining His loving arms wrapped around me. Even in the thick fog of depression, the light of Jesus Christ and the hope and healing offered through His atoning sacrifice shine through, rescuing us and bringing joy back into our lives.
Know That You Are In Good Company
As a teenager, I often felt isolated in my depression. I thought that because the gospel was all about happiness, I had no reason to feel the way I did and that I was the only latter-day saint who was a lot less than joyful. I realized that this wasn’t the case when I recognized some of my own symptoms in the lives of my scripture heroes. Like Nephi, I too wondered why “should my heart weep and my soul linger in the valley of sorrow.” While reflecting on his missionary service with his brothers, Ammon describes how the Lord comforted and promised them success despite feeling depressed and wanting to turn back. In the New Testament, Paul also “despaired even of life”. Many ancient prophets such as Nephi, Jacob, and Alma expressed their anxiety towards things outside of their control. As you study the scriptures look for passages that talk about anxiety and depression, and how those people coped. A result of our fallen world, depression has plagued many of God’s children from the beginning and will continue to do so until we are redeemed from our mortal ailments.
Don’t Mistake Depression For Unworthiness
Remember that your depression is not a reflection of your personal worthiness. None of us are immune from trials, even the most righteous. While Christ does offer healing and the New Testament is full of testaments of His healing power, we can’t assume that we will be immediately healed simply because of our obedience. With any test we face in this mortal life, we need the patience and humility to trust in God, His perfect plan, and in the peace available through His gospel. The adversary wants us to think we are undeserving of happiness in hopes of distancing us from our Savior. Those dark thoughts that you are unworthy are not from the God of love and peace. Sometimes having faith in Heavenly Father means continuing in our afflictions knowing that one day we will receive rest. We may never know why we must endure such mental anguish in this life, but one day we will see how our trials were blessings that shaped us into the glorified beings we were always meant to be. Write down some affirmations and place them in different spots where you will see them to remind yourself that you are worthy and loved.
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