What Mary Magdalene, Emma Smith, and You Have in Common

What Mary Magdalene, Emma Smith, and You Have in Common

by Katrina Seamons


After 3 years of marriage, Emma learned for herself that her husband was truly a prophet of God. She knew their life would not be as easy as she once dreamed. What motivated her to be a constant companion through years of persecution, single parenting, intense poverty and eventual widowhood? 

In Luke 8:2, Mary Magdalene is described as being “healed of evil spirits and infirmities”. She was one of the first to follow and remain with Christ till the very end. She was the first to see the risen Lord. What motivated her to keep going and be there with the Savior?

Today, women all over the world have daily battles in mortality: illness, infidelity, divorce, memory loss, death of loved ones, depression, poverty, anxiety, unemployment, etc. How do we stay motivated to keep moving forward with faith in any circumstance?

We, like Emma and Mary, can find hope and power in this declaration:

“Thou art an elect lady, whom I have called.” 

Emma, Mary, and you can go through seemingly impossible things with unwavering faith because the Lord has sent us here with a purpose. You are here to learn, to change, and to build the kingdom of God.

Here are 4 ways (taken from Doctrine & Covenants section 25) to be “elect ladies called of God”:


President Nelson has counseled: “I plead with you to increase your spiritual capacity to receive revelation…Choose to do the spiritual work required to enjoy the gift of the Holy Ghost and hear the voice of the Spirit more frequently and more clearly.”

When President Nelson gave this counsel, we had no idea what was coming and how needed this counsel would become in our lives. 

Emma and Mary both learned how to Hearken to the Lord. They learned how to discern the voice of the Spirit. They didn’t know what their futures held, but they embraced the spirit of revelation daily. 

President Nelson promised that “…if we will truly receive the Holy Ghost and learn to discern and understand His promptings, we will be guided in matters large and small.” 

We must hearken to the counsel from the Lord every day in order to fulfill our purpose. 


Forgive Ourselves and others

Emma and Mary were not perfect. Neither are you or I. We all make mistakes. When we murmur about our mistakes we miss out on miracles. 

We must forgive ourselves. Look past our weaknesses, see them as the Lord does, and get to work. We don’t have time to wallow in the past. 

Mary did not complain that she was unworthy to follow the Savior because of her past. Emma stayed strong through many hardships—I’m sure she had days when she felt debilitating despair, but then she continued on. She found joy where she could and forgave herself for the days she could not do it all.

Don’t Complain about Blessings

A phrase our family adopted this year is “Don’t complain about blessings!” In our day, we can quickly complain about inconveniences—we don’t like to fold laundry, drive to work, or sit at a computer all day.  But when we step back and consider the alternative—washing laundry for hours outside, walking miles to work in a factory, or being unable to work at all with no technology—suddenly we realize we have much for which to be grateful. Don’t spend your precious time on earth complaining about the blessings God has already granted. 


The Chosen is the first multi-season show about Christ. It explores the story of Mary Magdalene and her journey with the Savior. I love how her character bears testimony of the Savior. When telling someone about her miraculous change she says, “I was one way and now I’m completely different. And the thing that happened in between … was Him.” We all have a past–we do things that are not aligned with the Lord; but because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can choose to give those things to the Savior and seek for the better things He offers us. 

When Emma was given counsel in D&C 25 to “Lay aside the things of the world”, what did she think she should put aside? She sacrificed hopes, family members, comforts, and conveniences for the promised blessings of the Savior. 

How can we let Christ be the change in us? What are we willing to lay aside for the Savior? President Nelson has promised, “When your greatest desire is to let God prevail…so many decisions become easier…Part of this endeavor will require you to put aside many things of this world. … truly doing so requires you to examine your life meticulously and regularly. As you do so, the Holy Ghost will prompt you about what is no longer needful, what is no longer worthy of your time and energy.” 

Christ blesses us to know what to do, where to go, and who to be as we let Him prevail in our lives.


We make covenants with the Lord in the temple and when we are baptized. 

Some of these covenants are to always remember the Savior, keep His commandments, be willing to take His name upon us and bear one another’s burdens.

Emma made these same covenants in 1830, and though we don’t have a record of Mary being baptized, it is appropriate to consider that she made similar covenants with the Savior. These women both were wonderful examples of “mourning with those that mourn” and comforting many who crossed their paths. 

How do we cleave to these covenants today? 

  • We worthily hold a temple recommend and serve in the temple.
  • We minister to others — whether by assignment or not.
  • We raise our children in righteousness.
  • We treat our spouses with love and respect.
  • We act on personal revelation.

By cleaving to our covenants we will have the power of God to fulfill His call.

“Thou art an elect lady, whom I have called”.  

Heavenly Father has given us spiritual gifts to further His work. As we “Hearken”, “Murmur not”, “Lay aside worldly things to find Him”, and “Cleave unto our Covenants” we will become like Him and can help build His Kingdom on the earth.