5 Things Every Guest Room Needs

5 Things Every Guest Room Needs

5 Things Every Guest Room Needs

By Melissa Vernon

Summer is here – the most traveled time of the year.  Do you have visitors coming?  Is your guest room ready?  If not, take this time now to get it picture perfect for your guests.

“Christ is the center of our home, a guest at every meal, a silent listener to every conversation.”

What does the perfect guest room need?  As a stylist and home consultant here are five things, I feel every guest room should have.

White Bedding

If you think about your favorite hotel or high-end hotel what do they all have in common?  They all have white bedding.  White exudes cleanliness and calmness.  Your guest is on vacation, they want to have a place to rest and relax.  Bold patterns or loud colors are the opposite of peace and serenity.

“Let us defend the home as a place which is second only to the temple in holiness.” Bonnie L. Oscarson

Wifi Password

None of us leave home without a device, and with that none of us want to go over our data usage.  Even on vacation a necessary email may need to be sent during late night or early morning hours.  A guest is not going to want to disturb you to ask for the password.  A simple solution is to have it posted in the bedroom.  In my own home I have the password framed and sitting on the nightstand next to the bed, so that it is always accessible.

Extra Blankets

You may think that you keep your thermostat set to the perfect temperature, but grandma may not agree with you.  Make sure the room has at least one to two extra blankets to use at a guest’s disposal. You could even display them on a blanket ladder or decorative rope basket in plain sight.  That way your guest does not have to go hunting for them in a drawer or closet.

Fresh Flowers or Plant

A green plant or flowers can add happiness to any room. It does not even have to be a large arrangement.  A small ivy or your favorite bouquet from a florist will do.  It adds life and color to the room.  Not to mention some plants freshen the air and help to combat certain types of germs.

Closet Space with Hangers

Sometimes our guest rooms tend to be a catch all for all the random things in our house.  Since this room is not being used on a permanent basis, we tend to store too many items in the closet not leaving enough space for when guests do come.  However, no matter the timeline of the stay whether just a day or two or an extended period, no one wants to rummage through a suitcase.  Make sure you have a proper space for the guest to store their personal items.  A small chest of drawers will do, but make sure you have a few hangers with some closet space so that the guest can hang formal or wrinkle prone clothing.

It is always fun to have our family and friends come visit.  So many fun adventures and memories to make.  With a comfortable guest room, they will be wanting to come back time and time again.