How Do You Hear Him?

By Latter-Day Woman Community

Like many others, I have been known to be too busy to stop long enough to hear anything. Learning how to slow down and prepare myself to hear has been a great blessing for me. On my part is has required commitment and discipline to prepare to hear Him. For me, that means starting my day a little earlier. I wake up before anyone else and go to a quiet spot in our home. I sit down, put in my AirPods and turn on Sissel’s “Slow Down”. I follow that with 5-10 minutes of silence and then begin reading scriptures. After, I will go on a walk and then return to write down all the thoughts I’ve had that morning and questions I still want to ponder. Mornings are my favorite part of the day.
Kendra Harvey

I Hear Him as I study the scriptures and listen to the words of the Prophet and apostles. As I ponder on their counsels, I gain further knowledge and receive insights on how I could be better,. It’s so amazing, sometimes I can Hear Him speaking to me as I study. I am grateful that we have a living Prophet.
Ighomena Imonikosaye

I thought I knew how to listen and hear Heavenly Father. I saw how my prayers would be answered or I would have people in my life at the right time and place I needed it. He always had me in His arms. I knew He did. I heard Him in feelings. I would be moved or I would keep getting this pull to do or say something. I was moved. That was until I joined the church! My first Sunday ever being at church was amazing. I sat in sacrament and just kept smiling. I was feeling this warmth. I felt calm and at home. I felt so much peace. I was in relief society and the topic was prayer. At one point in time, I could hear no one other than a voice tell me “You need to speak. Tell them your story. Speak!” It was for a few minutes. People were talking and all I could hear was that saying. So I did! I bore my testimony on prayer. It was amazing. The fire in my heart was set. I got in the car and looked at my husband and told him “This is it. We are home.” We have been members ever since and I hear him stronger and stronger each day. I have to be willing to listen and want to hear though. I have to be open. When I am open, His words are clear as ever.
Stephanie Polcyn

I started a #HearHim journal. Both to remind myself to seek revelation each day and to show how much I cherish, and want to remember His responses. 
Here’s an entry from this month: 
Day 3 of no school. 
When school first got canceled due to Covid-19, it really discouraged me. Probably because we’ve just been in survival mode for so long already- between the last bits of my seventh pregnancy, then new baby and just winter time in general ( We love in Canada:)- we were ready to get out!  And now this. My husband had been away the week before the official shut downs stared, and the thought of all my kids home felt totally daunting. My 11 year old son was already playing too many video games- but at least he’s at school, I’d tell myself. Plus all the things I’d been looking forward to- a few women’s conferences, the temple, stake conference, all got canceled in one fowl swoop. And suddenly I was staring down the barrel of who knows how long of at-home, all day, every day with ALL my children. I felt overwhelmed and a little hopeless and, if I’m being honest,  just a smidge grumpy. But I also knew- the Lord can tell me what to do! Stop looking at social media and everyone’s grand plans to “homeschool” I told myself, and figure out with God what’s right for you and your family!  
So I approached the Lord. 
“What do I do Lord?” 
“Doesn’t matter.” He sounded so calm compared to me. “You can read or watch movies, you can clean or play games, it DOES NOT matter. Just do it with them.”
“There’s so many of them” I groaned. 
“I know. I have a lot of kids too.”
“How do you do it?”
“I wait for them to come to me. And when they do I respond.”
“What if they don’t come.”
“I invite them to, over and over, but it’s up to them.”
So that’s the plan. Be here. When they come, be with them. Wholly. Keep inviting but mostly let them be. 
And when it seems not to be working anymore? #HearHim again. And again. And again.
Chelsea Bretzke

I think hearing the voice of the Lord in the midst of trials is one of the most difficult things to do. As I pray I can ask Him what He would like me to LEARN, what He would like me to DO — and then go out and do it. One of the best things about going through a trial is that we are then able to serve others going through something similar in a different way than we would have without experiencing it ourselves. As we go about our lives and find ourselves in the midst of trials and heartache, I testify that we can hear direct and personal revelations from our Father in Heaven. I also testify that as we learn to recognize, hear, and follow the voice of the Lord we will be blessed beyond measure.
Carly Robison

How I Hear Him is through scriptures.  I turn to the scriptures for help and comfort. I have always found my answers through certain verses and have felt His love for me. The scriptures have helped me in times of struggles. Even when I don’t have my scriptures near me, there have been certain verses that have come to me in thought that have helped. I have heard Him and know that He is there for me and is aware of my needs and struggles and comforts me.
Kerstin Hansen

I Hear Him by intentionally disconnecting from the world and connecting with God.  I begin my day by checking my spiritual messages from God before I go online on a device to check my earthly messages and news.  I have learned that by engaging in mediation, prayer and personal scripture study before I do anything else, I am more receptive to receiving personal revelation and understanding doctrine I’ve been reflecting on.
Amber Robbins

I’ve heard the Lord speak to me in many different ways throughout the years.  I’ve had a specific thought, I’ve felt peace, my heart burned, I’ve seen things in my mind.  And sometimes the Lord speaks to me through pop music.  A few years ago, I was having a down day.  I can’t remember why exactly, but I was just feeling down about some things.  I was probably worrying about the future and what was the right path for our little family. I was running some errands and listening to the radio in the car.  The song “Happy” by Pharrell Williams came on.  I like that song and sang along.  Then I heard it again on another station.  Not uncommon to hear a popular song again.  And then, on my way home I heard it a third time!  It finally clicked and I began to chuckle.  “Ok,” I said aloud.  “I get it, I need to be happier.”  I love that God has a sense of humor and can speak to me in whatever way I need at that time.
Alexis Tanner